(608) 728-8233
Simple, effective strategies for your bee yard that you wish you already knew.
Our experts have the information you always wanted to get ahead of the game and not feel like you’re playing from behind all bee season.
Give bees all of the nutrients they need for successful colony growth, right in your own back yard.
Access all of the expert resources Beepods beekeepers use to set up our client yards.
The ultimate quick-start guide! Set your bees up for success before they even show up. Our guide even gives expert beekeepers a jump-start on the bee season and prepares them for upcoming honey flows.
Learn what bees need for nutrition, pests they might run into, and most importantly, how to make sure you’ve given them what they need right outside their front door.
Discover how to uncover unseen problems like chemicals, lack of food, and nature can impact your colony’s success and actionable steps you can implement to combat these problems.
Just follow the correct planting guide for your environment and, with some help from our Master Gardener, you’ll have natural nourishment for your honey bees all year long.
Jump in and get started with the tools our expert beekeepers use to site our clients’ yards when they get started. Makes it quick and easy to cover all your bases in less time.
The training materials that Beepods provides are excellent! Great reference materials, well organized, and easy to understand.
Milwaukee County Zoo
We had struggled with beekeeping for years using commercial hives at our Windy City Harvest Youth Farms… We had high hopes for the Beepods hive to help us turn our beekeeping education around and our expectations have been exceeded!
Urban Youth Programs Director, Windy City Harvest
Answer: Yes.
Even though we discuss the use of the Beepods Beekeeping System and top-bar equipment and tools. This course can be used by beekeepers of any ethos or with any type of equipment.
Honey bees need the same environmental support tools no matter where they live or what they live in. It is just a matter of identifying and working towards supplying as many of the items as possible.
Beekeeping in a top bar may be different than beekeeping in a Warre hive, a Langstroth, a traditional hive, a Flow Hive, or any other type of hive that you have constructed. Bees still need nectar, nutrients, and a quality neighborhood to live in.
Answer: Yep… all of our trainings have a 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.
In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried about if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease.
You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!
Answer: if you’re thinking, “$7 is cheap… what’s the catch?” we have three important reasons for offering it at this price:
We also believe that once you experience this training blueprint, you’ll want more and maybe… just maybe… you’ll come back, buy more and possibly even upgrade to a full-fledged Beepods Membership where you get access to our complete Beepods Lab, beekeepers, resources, and much more.
But that’s it…
No fine print… no “hidden trials”… no shenanigans. Just the information you need and the results you want.
Answer: Minutes!
Your login and access information will be sent to the email address you provide, and there will be instructions on the next page that explain how you can get access to the guide inside of our training library.