Fund Your Hive with a Grant

Bees gathering on a honeycomb hive

Bees gathering on a honeycomb hive

When the sun comes out on a chilly winter day we naturally start dreaming of spring. And spring is the best time of year to install a Beepods hive at your school. That means you should be ordering your hive now. Short on funds? Don’t panic. Beepods will help you find ways to fund your school hive. 

Bees gathering on a honeycomb hive

Bees gathering on a honeycomb hive

Data-based Projects

If your school is using or plans to use your Beepods hive for a research project you can apply for grant assistance. Using our Healthy Hive™ Management Software, share your data with researchers who are trying to learn more about the plight of the honey bee. Schedule a call to discuss your research project and we will explore ways to fund your hive. 

Payment Plan

To take the sting out of funding a hive, Beepods started a program allowing approved customers to make monthly payments. During the Beekeeping Inquiry Consultation, we will help you determine an installation date. First, you make a downpayment and then we divide the remaining balance by the numbers of months until installation. You get immediate access to Beepods membership resources including our resource library, user forums, and prioritized support. 

Write a Grant

Beepods has suggestions to help you secure a grant to fund your hive. Begin by gathering materials that are commonly needed for grant 

applications including:

  • the history, mission, and values of your school
  • current outdoor classroom projects and programs
  • unique aspects of your school that would make a Beepods hive even more beneficial 
  • videos and blogs showing accomplishments from your school
  • examples of community engagement
  • copies of school publications
  • interviews and testimonials from your outdoor classroom

Make a Video

Beepods will work with you to produce a video in the hopes of securing a grant. Videos may include ideas such as how a Beepods Beekeeping System will help you achieve your outdoor education objectives, additional benefits of a hive at your school, a description of your school’s geographic location and demographics, where you intend to locate the hive, and how you plan to use Beepods Healthy Hive™ Management Software to track the health of your bees. We will guide you through uploading your video and make sure it gets seen by the right people. 

Don’t wait until spring to figure out how you are going to fund your hive. Get started today!

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Bill Polacheck

Bill is a teacher, environmentalist, and freelance writer. If he's not out in nature, he's happy to be writing about it.'

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Bill Polacheck
Bill is a teacher, environmentalist, and freelance writer. If he's not out in nature, he's happy to be writing about it.

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